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Dedication 1920

Dedication – 2nd May 1920

The Burton Chronicle of 6th May 1920 recorded the dedication of the War Memorial:


Dedication of War Memorials

A large congregation assembled at the Parish Church on Sunday[1] afternoon to witness the dedication of the war memorials.  The first part of the service was held in the church, where the Bishop of Stafford[2] dedicated a beautiful stained glass window, erected in the south aisle, and a tablet containing the names of the forty-seven Tutbury men who fell in the great war. 

The congregation then moved into the churchyard, where another large assembly had gathered on the southern side of the church to witness the dedication of the new parish memorial, a handsome stone cross beautifully carved in Hollington[3] stone by Messrs. Bridgeman and Son, of Lichfield to the design of Mesrts.  {sic}  Bodley and Hare of London.  Amongst those waiting were a large company of ex-soldiers, members, of the local branch of N.F.D and D.S. and S. who were in charge of Captain B. Newton; members of the parish council; the police; the scholars and teachers of the Wesleyan S.S. 

The ex-Service men had paraded from the town to the church, and had formed up on the bacv {sic} ground of the site, making a most impressive scene.  Preceding the Bishop from the church were the choir, 

the churchwardens (Messrs. W.E. Guest and D. Rutherfoord) while the vicar of Tutbury (the Rev. H. Bennett) undertook the duties of chaplain.  Most impressive was the singing of “O God, our help in ages past,” the first hymn sung outside. 

The Rev. J. Charles, pastor of the Congregational church, read the lesson, which was taken from Wisdom iii., and the following names of the fallen were read:  William E. Priestly, John J. Kidd, Ernest Woodall, Ernest Plumb, Robert Radford, William Gent, Charles Bull, James Worrall, George E. Bentley, Wilfren {sic} Powell, Frederick Bannister, W. Trafford Newton,  George F. Bennett, Charles Bond, Tom Merrey, Thomas Coates, James Nash, Arthur Treadwell, Edwin Powell, William Cook, Joseph Talbot, William Bentley, Frederick Bennett, Samuel Woodal {sic}, George Causer, Abraham Farmer, Eric Dunicliffe, Stephen Leedham, William Hinds, James Hand, William Smith, Edwin Broughton, William Wheeldon, Albert Timmins, Ernest A. Perkins, George Fearn, Joseph Pegg, Jack Leadbetter, Alfred Brettell, Samuel Wheat, William H. Parker, Harry Allsop, David Bond, Frederick Smith, Ogden Pateman, E. Frank Hadland, Alfred J. Parker. 

The ceremony of the unveiling of the memorial was then performed by Major H. L. Newton, D.S.O.  Under the figure of Peace, a bronze tablet was shown, bearing the inscription, “In grateful memory of Tutbury men who gave their lives in their country’s defence, 1914-1918,” and under the figures of St. Michael and St. George were shown the tablets bearing the names of the fallen.  In an impressive manner the “Last Post” was sounded by Mr. Harry Bell, ex-sergeant K.R.R[1]

After the Bishop had dedicated the memorial, the reveille was sounded by Mr. Bell, followed by the singing of “The King of Love my Shpeherd {sic} is.”  From the text “God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of Jesus Christ.” his Lordship gave a splendid address, in which he spoke most touchingly of the noble sacrifice of the men.  He asked his hearers to ever remember their brave deeds, and spoke of the value of memorials to keep these men and their unselfish acts fresh in our memories.  The Hymn “They whose course is o’er” was then sung, and after the Bishop had pronounced the Benediction, the National Anthem was sung as a conclusion to the service.  The singing for the service was lead by the choir, under Mr. C. Owen, organist and choirmaster. 

A large number of floral tributes was placed on the memorial at the conclusion and on the front was placed a large laurel wreath.  Amongst those who placed tributes were relatives and friends of the fallen.

[1] K.R.R: King’s Royal Rifle Corps

[1] The dedication was at 3.30pm on Sunday 2nd May 1920

[2] The Bishop of Stafford was Rev L P Crawfurd

[3] Hollington Stone: available in Red, Mottled, Cream from Hollington, Staffordshire ST10 4HQ


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