War Memorial Preservation
Various bodies provide lists of potentially suitable companies who may be able to provide the TWMPCwith an assessment of the state of the SCWM and eventually, funding permitting, conserve and possible repair the Memorial. We also have a list of companies from the Lichfield Diocesan Advisory Council.
The Conservation Register
The Register holds detailed information on conservation/restoration businesses in the UK and Ireland. Businesses meet specified criteria which include professional accreditation and the provision of examples of previous work for satisfied clients. You can use the website or telephone enquiry service to find conservators by type of object and geographical location. The Conservation Register, c/o Icon, The Institute of Conservation, Unit 1.5 Lafone House, The Leathermarket, Weston Street, London, SE1 3ER
T: 020 3142 6799
E: info@conservationregister.com,
W: www.conservationregister.com
The Building Conservation Directory
The Directory holds details of professional companies and craftsmen that deal specifically with historic buildings and monuments. An A-
The Building Conservation Directory, c/o Cathedral Communications Ltd, High Street, Tilsbury, Wiltshire SP3 6HA,
T: 01747 871717,
E: info@buildingconservation.com,
W: www.buildingconservation.com/directory.html
Historic Engalnd
As a public body, Historic England is unable to recommend individual businesses which provide specialist skills or materials. However, the Regional Offices are able to give advice about potential restoration and conservation work.
West Midlands region: The Axis, 10 Holliday Street, Birmingham B1 1TG,
T: 0121 625 6820,
E: west.midlands@HistoricEngland.org.uk
National Association of Memorial Masons
1 Castle Mews, Rugby, Warwickshire CV21 2XL, T: 01788 542264,
Copyright Andricks Research Group 2020