Petition for a Faculty – Conservation

For the work specified in the project reports from Smith & Roper (see Phase I Report) to go ahead, we first need permission from the church.  This is because the War Memorial is in Tutbury St. Mary’s Priory Church churchyard.  We also need agreement from English Heritage as the Memorial is in the curtilage of the Grade I listed church building.

Permission is obtained by submitting a Petition for a Faculty (the church equivalent of planning permission) to the Lichfield Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC) with supporting documentation.  If the DAC supports the proposals, there is a 28 day period of public consultation and then the Petition is submitted to the Chancellor of the Consistory Court and Registry for a decision.  English Heritage will receive a copy of the Petition and they will respond directly to us and copy to the DAC.

Our planned schedule is to submit the Petition in time for the DAC meeting on 7th October. If all goes well we may receive permission from the Chancellor by the end of November (although we will know the view of the DAC in early October).  The English Heritage timescale is less clear.

Below are the documents that form the Petition and its support.

Alternatively, the complete set can be downloaded from these two zip files:

Note that documents [05A] [06A] are the scans of the signed paper versions of the documents and are hence not searchable; they are only included as proof of authority of the documents and are not included in the zip  file, only as the individual documents below.

and If you have any comments or thoughts then please contact us.

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