Petition for a Faculty – Wreath Holders

19 April 2016

This Faculty application is for the installation of two Wreath Holders in the closed churchyard at St. Mary’s Priory Church, Tutbury following on from the successful conservation of the War Memorial in 2015.  

The ornamental Wreath Holders, costing about £3,000, will enable the policy of St. Mary’s for the display of Remembrance Wreaths to be carried out whilst not damaging the War Memorial, following the recommendations of the War Memorials Trust.  

They will also mark the commemoration of the Centenary of WWI on behalf of the village.

The proposal has received the overwhelming support of the Parochial Church Council and of the congregation, members of the public and local organisations.

The Faculty has received a recommendation from the Lichfield Diocesan Advisory Committee and now moves forward to a 28 day public consultation period.  Details of this can be found in the notices placed inside and outside the South Door of St. Mary’s priory Church, Tutbury.

Following on from the consultation period, the Faculty petition will go the Consistory Court to be considered by the Chancellor.

Assuming that the Chancellor is in agreement with the Faculty, we will then place an order for manufacture of the Wreath Holders with Dragon Forge Artistic Ironworks of Burton-on-Trent.  We hope that installation may take place in the August-September time frame.

Below are the documents that form the Petition and its support.

Alternatively, the complete set of documents can be downloaded from this zip files:

If there are any queries then please contact us.

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